Sunday, November 25, 2012

Chapter 10 THe Southern CoastLands: On the Subtropical Margin

Chapter 10 the text books talks about agriculture right on The Southern Coastlands. Because of the humid climate and  due to the warm water coming from the Gulf of Mexico it makes it easy to grow crops there. There are a lot of farms in that are of the United States due to the fact that it is just really great to grow crops there. The weather makes it perfect for plants to grow. The South has a lot of natural resources that they use and take advantage of the water that is there for them and well as the soil.

here is a video of what farmers grown.

Los Angeles, California

In Los Angeles there really isn't a lot of agriculture that happens since it is mainly a metropolitan city filled with building and major companies. However, a new movement has come to Los Angeles making available fresh fruits and vegetables for people in the community. There are a lot of farmer's markets that can be visited to buy fresh fruits and vegetable that are organic as well. Farmers come to the city to sell their merchandise to the people of Los Angeles and also give them tips of how to start their own organic garden at home.

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