Sunday, December 2, 2012

Chapter 18 Hawaii

In chapter the author discussed Hawaii and its wonderful physical settings. We learn in this chapter the climate Hawaii has due to its location. Hawaii is considered a paradise as it has a lot of out side visitors that go there on there vacations. There are a lot of tourism that goes on there and it is great for the economy.

Los Angeles, California

Los Angeles, California is knowns as the sunny city which hardly get any rain and not super cold weather. We have the beaches and also a lot of places to visit in Los Angeles. We get a lot of tourism here as many go to visit theme parks such like Universal Studios also many people go to the museums and also the observatory that we have here is Los Angeles at the Griffith Park.

Chapter 16 The North Pacific Coast

In chapter 16 the author talks about the North Pacific Coast which starts from around Eureka, California and goes all the way up to Alaska. These coastal region are really beautiful as they are very rocky and the waves are amazing to watch as they hit the waves. The fishing there is amazing and it is good for the economy

Los Angeles, California

The coast that we have right down the street from us is very family friendly. Many people like to go and enjoy the sand on the beach. Also there are a lot of people that go fishing or go each sea food by the beach. There are many thing that can be done at the coast.

Chapter 15 California

In chapter 15 the author talks about California my home state which I have learned to love as I have only lived in this state. The author talks about the valley and Mountains we have as well as our earthquakes we have experienced. We have everything from deserts to Mountains and even the coast. California also has a lot of history when it comes to settlers and what they had to bring to our State.

Los Angeles, California

Los Angeles is a great city in California. This state has a lot to offer since it is one of the largest state in the United States. The freeway 5 goes all the way South and North of California which is great if one is off to take a family road trip. There is a lot to see in California from the Coast are up North and also down south by the boarder of Mexico.

Chapter 14 The Southwest Border Area: Tricultural Development

In Chapter 14 the author discusses the culture region on the Southwest Border Area in the United States. This area consist of people from different Ethnicities and cultures. This is a great area to see a great amount of diversity as there are a great amount of people also from different countries.

Los Angeles, California

In Los Angeles we see that there are a lot people from different cultures. We see a lot of people of color all around us. The community consist of a lot of people from South American and also of over seas countries. It is really nice to live in a very diverse community. I have loved living in the  Los Angeles Area for the main reason that I have learned so much not only my culture but also the different cultures from around the world.

As I have stared working in an Elementary school I have realized that the classrooms have become more and more diverse and thus many children are mixed and have two cultures rather than one these days. I have students that are Korean mixed with some Spanish blood. I have fallen in love with how much things have changed when it comes to the diversity we have today.

Chapter 13 Empty Interior

In chapter 13 the author talks about how the population density is low in this region thus they call it the "Empty Interior." This region that is called the "Empty Interior" consist of parts of New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming, Montana Oregon, Nevada, Washington and all of Arizona, Utah, and Idaho. Parts of Canada also are apart of the "Empty Interior." These area climate is really dry and becomes "increasing apparent towards the region's southern zones." Even though, the population is really low there has been movements of a growing populations. Growing cities and towns will eventually become a larger community.

Los Angeles, California

In Los Angeles we do not have "Empty Interior" however, it would be nice if we did the traffic would be more bearable. Los Angeles is congested with people and the populations seems to be growing as the years go on. Here in this link we can see how much the population as been growing through out the years.

Chapter 12 The Great Plains and Prairies

In chapter 12 the text book talks about the Great plains. The Great Plains are located in the middle of the United States which consist of part of Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, most of South Dakota and all of North Dakota.

Los Angeles, California

Los Angeles does not have a great amount of flat area nor does it have any plains. However, we do have the San Fernando Valley that is driving distant away from Los Angeles. The San Fernando Valley is surrounded by Mountains. The Mountains that surround the San Fernando Valley are Santa Susana Mountains to northwest, the Santa Monica Mountains, Chalk Hills to the South, the Verdugo Mountains to the east, and finally the San Gabriel Mountains to the northeast.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Chapter 11 THe Agriculture Core

In Chapter 11 the text books talks about the different areas of the United States where Agriculture can be found. There are a lot of agriculture all through the United States that are over seen due to the big cities that are around them.

Los Angeles, California

In city of Angeles we do not really see much of agriculture as it is manly big cities and not much nature is around us. However, in my own community a major project came and really has helped our community out. The project started back in 1998 making a community garden to grow fruits and vegetables and also get the community involved. Every year this community garden has grown and it is now filled with seasonal fruits and vegetables.

Here is also a link of the LA Times talking about the garden in Boyle Heights. 

Here are other community gardens all through Los Angeles.