Sunday, December 2, 2012

Chapter 13 Empty Interior

In chapter 13 the author talks about how the population density is low in this region thus they call it the "Empty Interior." This region that is called the "Empty Interior" consist of parts of New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming, Montana Oregon, Nevada, Washington and all of Arizona, Utah, and Idaho. Parts of Canada also are apart of the "Empty Interior." These area climate is really dry and becomes "increasing apparent towards the region's southern zones." Even though, the population is really low there has been movements of a growing populations. Growing cities and towns will eventually become a larger community.

Los Angeles, California

In Los Angeles we do not have "Empty Interior" however, it would be nice if we did the traffic would be more bearable. Los Angeles is congested with people and the populations seems to be growing as the years go on. Here in this link we can see how much the population as been growing through out the years.

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