Sunday, December 2, 2012

Chapter 14 The Southwest Border Area: Tricultural Development

In Chapter 14 the author discusses the culture region on the Southwest Border Area in the United States. This area consist of people from different Ethnicities and cultures. This is a great area to see a great amount of diversity as there are a great amount of people also from different countries.

Los Angeles, California

In Los Angeles we see that there are a lot people from different cultures. We see a lot of people of color all around us. The community consist of a lot of people from South American and also of over seas countries. It is really nice to live in a very diverse community. I have loved living in the  Los Angeles Area for the main reason that I have learned so much not only my culture but also the different cultures from around the world.

As I have stared working in an Elementary school I have realized that the classrooms have become more and more diverse and thus many children are mixed and have two cultures rather than one these days. I have students that are Korean mixed with some Spanish blood. I have fallen in love with how much things have changed when it comes to the diversity we have today.

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