Sunday, October 14, 2012

A Short Tale about Los Angeles Chapter 3

There was a time where there was never a city known as Los Angeles the first settlers that formed this city were Spanish and Mexican coming from the South. The city of Los Angeles was known as "El Pueblo De Nuestra Señora De Los Angeles Di Porciúncula"back in 1781. It was named to honer the Virgin Mary as Catholics was the main religion to these people. California was apart of Mexico at one point thus the main language was Spanish and small Native American languages that were near the small town of "El Pueblo De Nuestra Señora De Los Angeles Di Porciúncula." Since the town was formed a great amount of different people have lived in the town. The city of Los Angeles is a multi-culture community as it has welcomed people from different cultures. Throughout the years African American, Jewish, Native American, Hispanics and Asians have live in Los Angeles creating history in this town. It has not always been an easy road for people that lived in Los Angeles in the past as they faced discrimination, war, and a life of battle for their rights. 
It is amazing how this town formed with a few settlers and now we see it as big city. There is a lot of history in Los Angeles that can be seem by old building that are still standing. The original town of "El Pueblo De Nuestra Señora De Los Angeles Di Porciúncula" that was formed back in 1781 is still standing today and is known as "La Placita Olvera" or "Olvera Street." When visiting "La Placita Olvera" you can see a lot of history of the town how they lived and even read about some of the people that lived there. Here is a link to  help plan your trip to Olvera Street.

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